Swept Away

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Slipping away into the sea like forgotten memories. No longer able to grip the shores of time as it crumbles through my fingers. I let go to be dragged out into an abyss of hopeless thoughts. Swallowing my heart and bleeding this life away. Your final words were peace and they rack my brain as I slip away. The silence you give me is the strife within me. Being tossed around in the waves as I know it’s my final life seeing the hues of pink and orange as I say goodbye to this slipping breath. I give myself over to the ocean as it pulls me out to sea, no longer am I living, no longer does this world desire me.

Lies & Alibis

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You sweeten the pot with all your lies and alibis. Never where you say you will be. Abandoning a heart that fatally loved you in a place no one else would. Being pushed away for loving from the depths of my soul. Being pushed down because I am finding more worth in you than you ever did in me. The trouble is you want the world to fall at your feet. No one wants to fight for a place in your life when you shoot your mouth off and scream at the existence of truth. Back away or you will find all you hold dear crumbled at the bottom of the sea. Drifting away like a soul on a life raft leading to nowhere. You crushed me into a dust of myself. Nothing left to be found as you scattered me in the wind. Silence is crippling me…not the grasp you have around my throat. That is peace. That is a place I want to be…in the hands of death as the lights go out on me.



Trapped by my own accord I slipped into a space of my own doing. I am the cathartic soul that has been strapped down to the grave of your existence. I can no longer understand your words, everything is in a blur of a fog that is just a memory. Vague and hard to comprehend, I wake to wash the dreams from my eyes to only see the other side is empty and cold. Nothing left next to me to hold. Dazed in a state of alone, I begin to rummage my thoughts and find the one place I was happy, truly, madly, deeply, delighted, with you. I wander the halls of my brain, opening doors to places I had forgotten. Places that were stored away for rainy days, each door I open is you. Your smile, your scent, your sweet disposition, but now it’s gray cloudy days without that face. Stumbling to my feet to erase the few minutes I just lived, I graze the being in the mirror, a shadowed self. A gaunt, tattered, barely living soul trying to escape a piece of this life that hasn’t always been good to me. Finding my way to the bathroom, I see the last stage of life sitting on the sink. Round and pink, dismal in a bottle, a future in a final drink. Downing the only love I have felt in days, a high of pure survival. One more than the day before. A hope that this will be the last day I have to go through this. Two, four, eight, twelve, fifteen, twenty-two.

Cold floor…slump…slow down…foggy…fading…exhale…sleep…good-bye.

Into the Night we go

Iron spikes rain down like the stars upon this dying heart. Piercing a troubled mind because of your delusional way of life. Scattered among the demised I begin to realize the warmth of my own soul. Shattered to feel nothing and blown into the air to feel the last of my freedom leave with each piece of me scattered in the wind. My fate is now in the palm of the ethers. The smallest of words are whispered breathlessly into my ear as I find the final grip on my tightening. Slowly bringing me to a dark destiny. The suffering that has been placed upon me was the beginning of a final existence that spoke to me while I was finding what was left for me. Staring back at the dark eyes that consume each piece of me, I lessen my grasp and succumb to the end. Now cold and blue, hemorrhaging my final good-byes. Seeing the light, I close my eyes. Nothing left to say, nothing more to do but let this dying world consume you.

Succumb to the Quiet

Quiet in your own convictions. Cradling a faith that was meant to succumb to your past. There is nothing to speak of when it comes to the depths of you. There is nothing but a shallow facade that is trying to be more than you can handle. You are becoming a truth that only rings of lies. Slowly seeking a face that will allow all the shit you spew from your mouth to eat up every bit of it. No one sees you but for who you are, a demon in clothing that only a pauper would wear. Wanting to be free, you will forever be chained to the life you lead. Unable to break away, you will see the pain that divides you into the moment you feebly pursue yourself. You are a daunting task that even you can’t conquer. Drink your death and say your final good-byes, all you knew is about to die.

Digging a grave within your own flesh. You can’t seem to rid yourself of the guilt you press. Dying to fight free of the trivial pieces of hell that continually bring you to a place of true abandon. Why are you fighting the existence you created yourself. You were hoping to share this nightmare with me but I saw right through the disguise. I can no longer be hypnotized by the demons that reside in your eyes. The swirl of your thoughts has you tunneling through your memories to see if you can figure out why you are the only one left in this land mind of cheap hate. Designing your final exploit into a world of dreams, you begin to see, all the trouble you went through was because you wanted to be free.

I found you snuggled into my heart grooves, trying to slumber through the hurt you shed upon me. The strife is all on you. I won’t let you survive without you knowing the suffering you placed on me. Night after night I run through a land of endless hell. Seeing the war-torn pieces of a life that was never given a chance to bloom. Don’t come looking to me for answers when everything you need is right inside of you. The bleach that runs through your veins is exactly what you need, a cleansing of the heart and a casualty of the mind. Sit in your own agony and begin to page through the book of your memories. Once you remember the beginning it will all be clear. Each piece of your life was nothing more than a shambled recollections everything you once held dear.

Casting your final fears into a place of rest, a grave of counterfeit fantasies, and a way of life to no longer be had. Ironfisted and hurt to your core, find your final place of rest, a casket of rotting dreams and demon flesh.



The walls built up around me are starting to crumble. With the few words I convey to you, they need to be more than strife. My heart bears a hole that is hemorrhaging from the holocaust you left. The hell that pours from my eyes is just mere mirrors of what is yet to come. I haven’t been able to find the slumber I was promised so long ago when you showed up bearing gifts of a tranquil life. I begin to see the age in my face as a tribute to the hurt I have been dealt before I began a path with you. There is an illusion to this day and night. It is one of solid effort. Nothing left to swallow but a heart of tragic accord. Why would I follow you into your caged truth knowing each step forward will be my last. Night after night the shadows on my wall are dancing into the role of turbulent anguish.  I gave you my solemn vow and you returned it by spitting in my face. Why did I see something bold in you when all you really presented was a life of pure hostility. You wanted to bring forth a soul with good intentions and all you showed was a dwelling heart on a string set adrift to find shelter in the first being you could grasp. Screaming with a death made in fury, I begin to gather my fate. In a basket of whithered reality, I bandage my heart so no one can see the catastrophe you forged within me.

You are the violent affair that I should never have RSVP’d to. I am returning to the sender with a note that will read, “You are the reason love has left this life of mine.  You are the reason that I sit here and pine for an existence that you never held dear. Yesterday’s fate sits in tomorrow’s formation, and my final piece was made clear. You are the demon sent to destroy the tragedy I created with the first breath I drew as you walked near. Good-bye, you soulless victim of shame. I am no longer your slave to a beating heart but now a being living in your tragic fate.”

Goodbye, Goodnight, and forevermore, you are cast away to the depths of a heart that will never accept a word from you again. Slumber into your abyss…black as night and cold as ice…I cast you into a page in my book that will never be read again. Ashes to ashes, dusk to dusk, your death will be my final rage as I set the heart of yours ablaze. Placed into a cage, the cinders of your heart will sit, no longer to be loved, no longer to be spent. The tears that you cry will only be your own, as I sit and watch you die in a pain only felt by the one who tried to tarnish this heart of mine. Sleep you beast, cry yourself into a slumber that will never ease this torture I will put in place.


Deadly Disaster


The disasters of yesterday have swept over me like a breeze burning out a candle. The fear that has defaulted in me is now troubling. I can’t begin to grasp the truth that you have crammed into my head. It no longer speaks to me in a way that is not violent. You have come to me at a time of deadly disasters. If I acknowledge the vows that sent chills down my spine, I would never be able to see the falter in your kind. A being more worthy of a trial by fire would have a better chance of capturing my attention than you did. There is no effort in his life, only sudden moves of deadly disasters. Pieces of angst that are spread across the insanity that I am choosing to ignore. One less day of you is another day of bearable pain. You haven’t even seen the worse in me and you have chosen to create the path that leads you to a world of unmentionable hate. There is nothing left for me in this life but a sack of lies and death bared wombs.
My visions are circling the architecture of the renaissance that I can’t begin to find an end in. You are seeking a devil made of half-truths and white lies when all I have to offer is a diet of decayed souls and rotting flesh. Nothing more than a face of death that succumbs to the hurt this world has to offer. There is a mental riot that takes place in me on a daily basis when our paths cross in a feared piece of exaggerated torture. You are feeling with a dead heart and a lying imagination. You should be digging a grave to feed the final place of your truths, they have no place to rest and are in the ethers spinning their wheels trying to excavate a life that never was. You lived a life of solid stature until I began to spew forth a faith that was only found in myself. You only carry the pieces of you that you wish to share and with that knowledge, you are lacking.
I am tangled in my thoughts right now. Moments of when I was able to cope with a life that was daunting. Now all I have to see is a dark sky littered with lies and dreams of deadly disasters. I can’t compete with anyone that is going to bring me down to a level of misinterpretation. You have done a great job of allowing me to swallow you potions of sizeable portions. Never again will I lick my lips for a drop of what you are selling. It will slowly become a demise of your own life, not mine. Think about that the next you choose to soak a soul with a vapid thought of an existence that really is not one at all.  You are bearing witness to an encounter of another kind, one that only will shed the light on the sacrifice of my dreams.
Piecing together a song of tribute to a life that was sorted through by the vanity it was carrying to its final resting spot. It wasn’t a face that could capture a youth that was held in a jar of souls place in a cave to be locked away. Never will I hold a place in your life, never did I hold a place in your heart. You tragically ripped me limb from limb as a reminder of who you really are. Faceless in your own existence, you are trying to create a place to call your own. In all actuality, you are only creating a shell that will house your wasted soul. That’s right, you are nothing more than a being that lived in a light you couldn’t absorb into a universe that rejected you. You won’t see it now but in the end, you will understand, you are the death this world has waited to see. Each marching blow to your skull will greater than the last and in the final moment of your life, the grave you dug won’t even bring you the peace you have been searching for.
I will no longer waste my time on the fate of half-hearted devotion. I am simple in life and here to seek a blithe way of life. On my knees seeking this vow to pour right from my heart. In this life, in this end, I am capable of all that is presented to me. The treasures that are soaked in an elixir of disturbed failure will now be the bath I will soak in. Absorbing all that was meant to be, I will haunt this life like an angel of anarchy.  Silence is no longer a factor and death will no longer defeat me. I am here sitting alone, contemplating. Where will this life take me? Carnival rides and bitter attributes to a sheep following dismembered vandal of hate. I am here rocking back and forth in a trance of agony but the final thought will only be mine. The ultimate reflection will forever be held within me. Deadly disasters and misery of life, I will lay here tonight and accept my sacrifice.


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Doused in gasoline I will torch my heart as you walk away. There’s a fine line between the hell you brought me and the hell I gave. There’s nothing more that I crave other the beauty of being your slave. On my knees night and day to show you the love I gave. Worthless in the night and bountiful in the day you are the one that walked away. I could do nothing right and I did everything wrong as I was left in the tortured life I lived. Severed pieces of my heart lay on the ground before me, still beating, still allowing the blood to flow. Just enough to keep this life in me. Weak in thought and sorrow in my veins as the love you pretended to give vanished with my silent death. Nothing left but a tragic soul scrapping the halls of a shallow bed of nails that holds me together one last time.

Collapsed now in a place of misery. The gravity of the situation is now crushing as the truth is known and bared to me like a death in my eyes. I was nothing more than a toy of vengeance for you to play with. A face of torture as you remembered why you came to me. Pale in memories and lost in truth, I down the elixir of casualties that I created from the last night we spent together. Forcing myself to swallow the potion, the final hell that keeps me bound to the floor in pain. If you could only see it my way. A heathen in disguise, an assassin of lives. I melt back into time, a time when a soul of less would have given more. I can’t seem to understand why the last piece of anguish is not the last piece of this life.

I found the danger in trying to be something you never wanted in your life. I found the hurt in trying to please a soul that only wanted to damage the very being who was willing to change their life for them. I can’t fathom the truth of you being nothing more than a rotting corpse in a world of sheep. The direction I fell was down a hole of despair and you continually decay my brain with words of deception and hate. You are grand in your disguise, you are the devil cloaked in lies, you are the very being I tried to stay away from but you pulled me in with the gravity of your eyes. Dark and soulless you stole the very breath I began to take. I was supposed to have the upper hand but in the end, you carved out a groove in my heart that pulled this lifeline and tangled it without remorse for the diminished spell of suffering you cast upon me.

Quiet, don’t speak. Allow this death to take hold of me. Screaming does no good, talking is a sham, the life you whispered was just a scam. The halo that crowns your head is now the noose that suppresses me. Gripping my final moments in this life and seeking the grave of silence. Don’t you come near me, don’t try to fix your wrongs, you are the last person in this life that I want to show me your total truth. You are nothing more than spewed untruths. The air I breathe is now shallow and full of despise. The more I think about the time we shared, it wasn’t you I loved it was me that I hated. Disasters and storms creep along the shores of the places I laid my head. I am now finding the freedom that I am about to seek, putting a flame to the fuel, putting a flame to the pieces that need to go, putting a flame everything that was me. No longer am I, no longer do love pulse these veins, no longer does it matter what I see. The demon in your eyes was just a reflection of me.